
Spell Name: Enchant
Skill Used: magic.items
Learned: magic.spells.special of 75
GP Cost: 750
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targeted)
Spell Usage: cast enchant [target]
Components: unicorn horn
other components

This spell will enchant any item that is not already enchanted. The value of the enchantment is based upon the casters skill in magic.items up to a maximum enchantment value of 35. Enchanting weapons and armour will increase the amount of damage and protection they give. The enchantment value is equal to the bonus in magic.items divided by 15. A Unicorn's Horn is required to enchant things. The horn is not always consumed during the casting. Also, certain other rare items will increase the enchant value. You only need have an item in your inventory and if it can be used it will be used automatically.
Note: An alias to get the other components listed above is as follows: Alias enchant withdraw horn;withdraw scale;withdraw claw;withdraw stalk;withdraw heart

Spell Name: Dispel Enchant
Skill Used: magic.spells.special
Learned: magic.spells.special of 150
GP Cost: 1200
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targeted)
Spell Usage: cast dispel enchant [target]

This spell removes the enchantment on an item. The higher the enchant value of an item the higher the wizard's magic.spells.special skill must be. The level needed to disenchant is 140 + enchant value on item. That is, an item of 30 enchant takes a wizard with magic.spells.special of at least 170 to dispel the enchant.

Spell Name: Reduce Weight
Skill Used: magic.items
Learned: magic.spells.special of 135
GP Cost: 800
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targeted)
Spell Usage: cast reduce weight [target]

This spell will permanently reduce the weight of an item by a factor according to the skill of the caster in magic.items. The spell can only be cast on a particular item once - it cannot be used cumulatively.