Miscellaneous Spells

Spell Name: Light
Skill Used: magic.spells.misc
Learned: magic.spells.misc of 1
GP Cost: 30
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targeted)
Spell Usage: cast light [target]

This spell, when cast upon a target, will cause it to exude light. This will help illuminate dark areas. This spell must be cast on a target of some sort. The duration increases as your bonus in magic.spells.misc does.

Spell Name: Detect Magic
Skill Used: magic.spells
Learned: magic.spells.misc of 4
GP Cost: 50
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targeted)
Spell Usage: cast detect magic [target]

This spell detects an item for the presence of magic with in it. If the spell detects magical power within the item, it will cause the item to glow. The colour of the glow determines the power of the magic within it. The coloured hues are:

In order of most powerful, to weakest:

Spell Name: Darkness
Skill Used: magic.spells.misc.target
Learned: magic.spells.misc of 10
GP Cost: 50
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targeted)
Spell Usage: cast darkness [target]

This spell will create an aura of darkness around the target. This aura is not able to be easily dispelled and its duration is dependant upon your skill in magic.spells.misc.

Spell Name: Strength
Skill Used: magic.spells.misc
Learned: magic.spells.misc of 35
GP Cost: 600
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targeted)
Spell Usage: cast strength [target]
Components: umber hulk eye

This spell increases the strength of the target by a variable amount that is dependant on the skill on the mage. One point of strength for every 100 points of bonus in magic.spells.misc will be awarded to the caster on a temporary basis. The spell requires an umber hulk eye for proper casting. The eye is consumed during the casting.The spells duration is dependant on the amount of strength that is affected.

Spell Name: Invisibility
Skill Used: magic.spells.misc
Learned: magic.spells.misc of 100
GP Cost: 600
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targeted)
Spell Usage: cast invisibility [target]

This spell will turn your target invisible. The following actions will turn you back to being visible:

1) All communications except for 'guild', 'race', 'org', 'chat' and 'tell'
2) Emote
3) Soul Commands
4) Attacking
5) Casting any non-defensive spell

You can look at other people, they will not see you looking, and it will not turn you visible. If you move, people will not see, your movement, just as you would expect when you are invisible. The spell will last until you cause yourself to become visible.This spell may also turn any one object invisible. The object must be in your inventory and it must not already be invisible. The spell will last until you logout or the item is destroyed.

Spell Name: Teleport to Player
Skill Used: magic.spells.misc
Learned: magic.spells.misc of 250
Gp Cost: 1500
Usage: cast teleport to player

This spell teleports you to another player. The player cannot be invisible or an immortal.

Spell Name: Teleport to Location
Skill Used: magic
Learned: magic.spells.misc of
Gp Cost: 1500
Usage: cast teleport to location set1
cast teleport to location 1
This spell teleports you to a previously visited location. You set a location by simply being in the room you want and doing 'cast teleport to location set1'. You can have up to ten locations remembered. These locations save between quits. To redefine a location, simply use a previously set number again. For example, 'cast teleport to location set1' will make it so you could teleport to that room by doing 'cast teleport to location 1'.

Spell Name: Prismatic weapon
Skill Used: magic.items
GP Cost: 500
Spell Type: miscellaneous (targetted)
Spell Usage: cast prismatic weapon [target]

This spell will enchant a weapon and add to it a prismatic attack, causing the weapon to glow in one of the colors of the Prism. Every so often, the glow will flicker and change color, causing the weapon to inflict a different type of damage. Be warned, however - the power of this enchantment is such that it will cause the weapon to deteriorate over time, eventually consuming it. The strength of the enchantment is based on your skill in magic.items. It is rumored that certain components will increase its strength as well.

Note: An alias to withdraw all components necessary for a golden prismatic enchant is: alias pris withdraw claw;withdraw scale;withdraw stalk;withdraw heart;withdraw ruby;withdraw onyx;withdraw diamond;withdraw sword;withdraw sapphire