Name: Armour Skill Used: magic.spells.defensive.target
magic.spells.defensive.self Learned: magic.spells.defensive of 10
GP Cost: 40 Spell Type: defensive (targeted) Spell Usage: cast
armour [target]
A minor protective spell that helps augment your
current armour. The spell lasts longer the higher level you are.
Note: Though it may be your first defensive spell, dont
underestimate its effectiveness, never leave home without it.
Spell Name: Prismatic Sphere Skill Used:
magic.spells.defensive.target magic.spells.defensive.self Learned:
magic.spells.defensive.self of 40 GP Cost: 600 + 30 per colour
Spell Type: defensive (targeted) Spell Usage: cast prismatic
sphere [target]
The spells surrounds the target in a globe of
colours. The number of colours protect 1 per 30 skill levels. A maximum of
10 colours can protect you per casting. In order to cast the spell on
fellow guild members you need to first master casting it on yourself which
requires that you attain level 280 in m.s.d.s skill.
The sphere
has the following colours. As your skill increases so do the colours you
can get. What colour takes effect when is you get hit is random, and the
highest colour available is lost.
Blue - Protection - absorbs some
hit points of damage Yellow - Safety - activates at 33% hit points
Green - Fear - Target flees if less than 2x your level White -
Banish - activates at 25% of current hit points Red - Reflection -
Deflects some damage back to attacker Violet - Absorption - Absorbs a
percentage of damage Purple - SteelSkin - Damages the weapon of the
attacker Pink - Intoxication - Makes the attacker incredibly drunk
Silver - Unbind - Destroys a summoned attacker Orange - Negate
Magic - Anti-Magic Shell
Yellow, Green, and White colours may not
activate if the activation conditions are not met and the attack will go
through without any side-effects but a colour will not be lost.
Note: Youll never use this spell while xping, but when dueling
other players, this is a hugely important spell. Often youll win a duel
simply because your opponent hit too many intoxicating spheres and passed
out. (Cellix can attest to this.) =P
Spell Name: Mirror
Image Skill Used: magic.spells.defensive.target
magic.spells.defensive.self Learned: magic.spells.defensive of 80
GP Cost: 400 Spell Type: defensive (targeted) Spell Usage:
cast mirror image [target] Components: small mirror
This spell
will create multiple images of the target. In combat these images act as a
shield. When hit an image will disperse without causing damage to you. The
spell creates up to 8 images of the target. This spell requires a small
mirror to cast properly. The mirror is consumed in the casting. You need
to explicitly do 'dispel images' to get rid of images.
Note: This
spell and stoneskin are what keeps us alive. nuff said.
Spell Name: Force Shield Skill Used:
magic.spells.defensive.target magic.spells.defensive.self Learned:
magic.spells.defensive of 90 GP Cost: 400 Spell Type: defensive
(targeted) Spell Usage: cast force shield [target]
A good
protective spell that helps augment your current armour. This spell
protects you equally against sharp, pierce, and blunt attacks.
Note: Powerful defensive spell, other guilds will often ask you
for one. Extremely helpful especially when xping.
Name: Stoneskin Skill Used: magic.spells.defensive.target
magic.spells.defensive.self Learned: magic.spells.defensive of 200
GP Cost: 1000 Spell Type: defensive (targeted) Spell Usage:
cast stoneskin [target] Components: pinch of diamond dust
spell will cause the targets skin to become as hard as stone. This will
effectively make the target immune to all attacks while the stoneskin is
in effect. The stoneskin will be good for 1d12+(bonus) hits. You will not
know exactly how many attacks you can take, but you will be warned when
your skin is nearly normal again.This spell is non-stackable, i.e. you
must wait for it to wear off or be dispelled before casting it on the
target again. The spell requires a pinch of diamond dust to properly cast.
The dust is consumed in the casting.You may dispel the spell by typing:
dispel skins.
Note: Dont know what we'd do without this, blocks a
max of 16 hits. Combined with mirror image, thats a total of 24