offensive | curse weapon | disruption | smite |
defensive | evil wall | aura of steel | veil of steel |
gift of steel | |||
curative | bind wounds | restoration | renewal |
animate dead | extra life | ||
misc | detect alignment | detect magic | demonic light |
summon steel |
resist |
Cursing | |
Smite Disruption Curse weapon |
250 100 50 |
Curse Weapon | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Weapon occult.spells.cursing 350 attack (targetted) cast curse weapon [target] This spell allows you to call upon the powers of evil to cause your target to mishandle their weapon, damaging it and even possibly breaking it. If your target is powerful enough it may be able to resist your curse. |
Same spell as classic occultists have.
Disruption | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Disruption occult.spells.cursing [variable] attack (area) cast disruption [intensity <#>] at <target1[,target2,...]|all> Disruption embodies the chaotic nature of the Abyss. The spell may be cast in an enormous variety of ways. You choose how many targets to attack with one casting, and also choose how many times to strike each target. The damage inflicted by each hit decreases with each additional target and with the number of hits. The number of hits is referred to as the "intensity" of the spell. The max number of hits you can choose to inflict is based on your skill in occult.methods.chanting. The formula for spell usage is: cast disruption [intensity <#>] at <target1[,target2,...]|all> (Note: text in < > is required, text in [ ] is optional, | means "or"). |
The cost may be calculated as 100 + (50*intensity) + (100*number_of_targets) Against single opponent it will be 250 at intensity 1, 300 at 2, 350 at 3 and so on. Aagainst couple - 350 at 1, 400 at 2, etc. Not a cheap spell, but it is better to learn it earlier, if you want to put your guild points to use. And surely it is better to advance chanting to make it hit twice, it is currently most effective. Third and further hit will not actually add power, just divide it, only useful to strip layers. At chanting 10 you'll have 2 hits at max, at 50 - 4 hits, at 80 - 5 hits and further it will grow up to 8 hits. |
Smite | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Smite occult.spells.cursing 500 attack (targetted) cast smite [target] This spell calls upon the pure hatred of the sacred darkness to snuff the light from a creature's soul. The shock of this chaotic energy entering a pure heart upsets the body's balance, doing considerable damage. Note that this spell has no effect on creatures that are evil. |
Second and the last damaging spell learned from
Corodin. No need to hurry learning it, it works only since 100 level
overall and looks more like battle spell, rather than xping. |
Enchanting | |
Extra life Gift of Steel Veil of Steel Aura of Steel Evil Wall Demonic Light Detect magic Detect alignment |
250 250 200 120 5 5 5 5 |
Detect Alignment | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Alignment occult 20 miscellaneous (targetted) cast detect alignment [target] This spell allows you to call upon your deity to reveal the targets alignment. This spell works both on NPC's and PC's. |
Same as classic occultists spell, mysteriously
migrated from charming to enchanting. |
Detect Magic | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Magic magic.spells.misc 50 miscellaneous (targetted) cast detect magic [target] This spell detects an item for the presence of magic with in it. If the spell detects magical power within the item, it will cause the item to glow. The color of the glow determines the power of the magic within it. The colored hues are: Rainbow Golden Silver Azure Emerald Crimson Yellow Aquamarine Octarine White. |
Demonic Light | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Light occult.spells.enchanting 30 miscellaneous (targetted) cast demonic light [target] This spell allows you to call upon the powers of evil to cause your target to shed light. |
Looks like same crap as it was. |
Evil Wall | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Wall occult.spells.enchanting 50 defensive (targetted) cast evil wall [target] This spell allows you to call upon the powers of evil to awake the evil spirits within the air around to deflect blows that tries to strike the recipient of this spell. |
Keep it on and hope it will protect a
bit. |
Aura of Steel | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Aura of
Steel occult.spells.enchanting 300 defensive (targetted) cast aura of steel [target] This spell infuses the target's body with a dark aura, adding a considerable amount of protection against all physical and elemental damage. The strength of the casting is based both on your enchanting skill and on the corruption in your heart. |
Good armour-type spell |
Veil of Steel | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Veil of
Steel occult.spells.enchanting 350 defensive (targetted) cast veil of steel [target] A major protective spell that helps augment your current armour. The spell lasts longer the higher level you are. The spell will also protect the target from a percentage of damage which is dependant upon the caster's skill in occult.spells.enchanting. |
Shield-type spell. Strange, it costs like about
half of the Demonic Shield |
Gift of Steel | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Gift of
Steel occult.spells.enchanting 500 defensive (targetted) cast gift of steel [target] This enchantment calls upon the dark energies to increase the target's ability in combat. |
This spell makes great difference in melee.
Its effect gradually weakens as you fight. Better don't wait until it wears off, but dispel and cast it again to keep in top shape. |
Extra Life | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Life occult.spells.enchanting 600 curative (targetted) cast extra life [target] This spells gives the target an extra life. It needs to be cast in a place of power, and requires 100 platinum coins to cast. This is one of the more powerful priest spells. This spell does not effect ghosts. Also, the target may not have more than 25 lives at any time. Carrying an invisible stalker brain with you makes any place a place of power. |
Who could ever guess that brains are so
powerful... |
Charming | No spells here. |
Summoning | |
Summon Player Ghost Summon Steel |
250 50 |
Summon Steel | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Steel occult.spells.summoning [variable] miscellaneous (targetted) cast summon steel [target] By casting this spell, you draw upon the dark rift to bestow a summoned weapon upon you. The strength of this weapon is based mostly off of your occult.spells.summoning skill; however, the amount of the enchantment is based upon occult.spells.enchanting. You may only possess one such weapon at any given time. If you no longer have a need for your summoned weapon, you may "dismiss" it. |
This spell summons a Chaos Blade, one handed
sword, with innate Unholy enchant but with strength up to rainbow.
I'm not sure if this spell makes summoning
deserve to be chosen as primary skill, but in any case, don't forget about
it. When trying this spell, note that only reliable judgement for a weapon is real combat. Chaos Blade may look worse but act better. |
Summon Player Ghost | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Summon Player
Ghost occult.spells.summoning 400 curative (targetted) cast summon player ghost [target] This spell summons a player ghost to your location. A skill of 300 in occult.methods.chanting will allow the summoning of the corpse as well, if it is in the area. The player will need to "pray" first. See the help on the pray command for details. |
Healing | |
Animate dead Renewal Restoration Bind wounds |
250 200 150 15 |
Bind wounds | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
wounds occult.spells.healing [variable] curative (targetted) cast bind wounds [target] This spell uses energy from the rift to stitch the wounds of the target. It may be cast on yourself or on another individual. The power (and likewise the cost) of spell grows with your skill. |
Restoration | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Restoration occult.spells.healing 100 curative (targetted) cast restoration [target] This spell invokes the purifying darkness to restore all ailments affecting the target's stats. This spell does not heal potions or curses. Use the Renewal spell for those purposes. |
Renewal | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Renewal occult.spells.healing 350 curative (targetted) cast renewal [target] Renewal purges the target of diseases, curses, poisons, and nearly all damage. |
Animate Dead | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Dead occult.spells.healing 550 curative (targetted) cast animate dead [target] This spell will summon the soul of a ghost back from the netherworld and inhabit it in the body of a similar being. NOTE: The loss of levels will be entirely dependant upon your skill in occult.spells.healing, with each bonus at a progressive level. You will require a corpse, one that is of the same race as the deceased to complete this spell. |
Bonus is less if resurrecting drow, orc or
troll. They'd better ask a cleric or shaman. |
Other | |
Resist |
(quest) |
Resist | (to the top) | |
Spell name Skill Used GP Cost Spell Type Spell Usage Description |
Resist occult.spells.enchanting [variable] defensive (targetted) cast resist [target] This spell allows you to call upon the powers of gods, nature, or magic to bestowe the ability to resist magical and non-magical effects upon the recipient of this spell. Your guild can resist: ? |
'Quest' spell. Travel to Raven Island, be invisible before entering wastelands, sneak past Astilar... |