You can get birds at level 50. You must first have a bit of cash, around 300 platinum. The instructions should be for higher level people who will help you with the quest. Its very much advised that someone goes with on this one, Nagorath can be very tough at lower levels. Directions: From South Gate of Lirath go 8 south, 1 east, all north, all south, east, down, south, move cask, north. Now, one north from that location is Nagorath. Have the high level person go in and kill it for you. Go into Nagorath's room after she's dead, and the person who wants the bird must do a "search coffer" command. After that, go 2 south, climb moss, north, up, west, all north. Now both of you (or just you if you are going alone) type hold hands to unequip your weapons. Enter mirror, north, west, up, enter flames. That brings you south of Lirath. Go now to the bank and grab 200-300 platinum, and go to the Treemalking Ranger Annex. From Giant Oak, 5e, 6se, s, 2e, 5s, 2e, d, 3n, 4w, in, climb vine, tree, n. The person with the key is the only one who can go north to buy the Falconers Jacket. All birds are the same, the only difference is that their locations and names are different. Basically, they all do the same thing. Which one you want is your personal preference. Copy and Paste the following alias', WITH parse off, to control your bird:
Dire Owl (Underdark): This owl is large, with very large eyes and has a serrated beak, while it looks like a nightime beast, you wouldn't be surprised to see it above ground, though it's black and gray coloring looks most appropriate for the dark. You have no idea what this thing eats, but for some reason the phrase "slow drow", seems appropriate. |
Directions: From Lirath south
gate go all south, up, 5s, nw, down, 3n, ne, e, 2se, s, e. From there its
safe to Signal Summon and get your Dire Owl. |
Fire Buzzard (Inside Guild): The bird has brilliant red feathers which shimmer as though alight, it would be very attractive were it not for a long naked neck which looks at though it was freshly dipped in blood. It's a very LARGE buzzard, if buzzards feed on dead animals, this one waits round for dragons to die. |
Directions: Its inside the
guild, not very difficult. |
Dustdancer (Kildareth): You can't really see this bird, the only thing you can see looks like a cloud of aggravated dust, whatever it is it's exceedingly fast and active. The persistant chittering sound coming from the cloud is also a little offputting. The only reason you think it is a bird, is the occasional tiny irridescent green feather that falls off. |
Directions: You gotta go to
Raven's Island for this one. It also means you must be level 200 to get it
also. Find direction in my Hunting Areas page to get to
Kildareth. |
Gyre Falcon (Drunsen Pass): A large and fierce looking falcon, these are often seen in the air in the forests of Manetheren and have been companion to many a Ranger. A light gray from a distance, the colors resolve into a gray white and brown patchwork at closer range. |
Directions: From Giant Oak go
2e, 2n, 2ne, 2e, ne, w, n, 4e, 2n, 2e, ne, all east, up, se. From there
its safe to signal summon and get your Gyre
Falcon. |
Imperial Eagle (Kai Thaan): A symbol of luck and prosperity in Khanluun these magnificent birds are kept as pets by the Emperor. Gold and white feathers grace a large bird that looks down haughtilly on all it surveys. Bright golden eyes, beak and razor like claws just add to the aura of power this bird radiates. |
Directions: KT is pretty far
away. From the Cliff face, go se, and then go in a southeasternly
direction until you get there. |
Penguin (Icy Wasteland): A tall and noble bird, the penguin is often found in the icy wastelands of Valeris with the Frost Giants and have lead many a ranger through the perils of the freezing weather. It is black except for its chest, which is white, giving it a dressy look. It looks at you quizzically as it evaluates you to see if you are friend or foe. |
Directions: Icy Wastelands are
on the way to Hylar, on a south exit when your going nw. That takes you to
Jotan, and further south will take you to Icy
Wastelands. |
Tawny Eagle (Thelbane): A large tawny eagle, it's a solid looking bird, and it looks like it could bring down a small deer. The normal haunt of these birds is the mountains of Thelbane, and it's surprising to see one close to the ground. |
Directions: Go a couple
screens east from the base of the Giant Oak. There its safe to signal
summon to get your Tawny Eagle. |
Forest Hawk (One up from Cliff Face): A fast looking hawk, it doesn't look particularly large, but it looks fast hardy and fierce. It's plumage is a dark brown, with dark gray diamonds. |
Directions: No need, just dont
go to any of the other areas to get the Forest Hawk. One up from Cliff
Face is good. |
Faierie Phoenix (Your Racial Homeland): A golden bird with shining red eyes. It's small but appears to be all muscle and bad attitude. It's eyes glint fiercely as it notice you looking at it. |
Directions: All you have to do
to summon this bird is go anywhere in your Racial
Homeland. |
Raven (Lirath): This raven is normally found in cities, it's eyes are large and intelligent, and if it were possible for a beak to grin evilly, this bird would be doing it. Black feathers and a short sturdy body, there doesn't seeem to to be much of a bird here, but what there is seeems determined to teach any attacker what "Nevermore" REALLY means. |
Directions: Lirath. Signal
Summon there and you get your Raven. |
Haasts Eagle (Hylar): A very large bird, it looks like an eagle, but it is much larger, eagles normally sit in trees and pounce on small animals, this beautiful bird is 15 feet across the wings, and it looks like it pounces on elephants. It is vividly colored with blood red stipes against a tawny brown background. |
Directions: From West Gate of
Lirath, 4w, sw, w, nw, ne, n, nw, 11w, 4s,
w. |