Offensive Spells:

Produce Fire: This spell is the best low level spell for Rangers. You get an amount which is your divided by 25 bolts. 8 is max number, and Cremate is the best damage. A higher wisdom will make this spell do more damage. Around 2500 damage with 8 cremates. You can get the description "Screams in agony as you incinerate his/her entire body" if you have 21 wisdom.
Spell Name  : Produce Fire
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : [variable]
Spell Type  : attack (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast produce fire [target]
Level       : 25

Description : This spell hurls small balls of flame at its target. You get a
              number of balls equal to your level in f.s.o.t divided by 25. 
              Every 2 balls, i.e. the 3rd and 5th increases the cost by 20
              guild points.

Thorn Spray: This spell is an area monster killer. It can hit all monsters you are fighting for up to 3 hits with Pierce damage. Puncture a huge hole is the best attack I believe. Not worth using in my opinion, Produce Fire is much much better.
Spell Name  : Thorn Spray
Skill Used  : faith.spells.offensive.area
GP Cost     : 125
Spell Type  : attack (area)
Spell Usage : cast thorn spray [target(s)]
Level       : 50

Description : With this spell you may call up a fierce volley of piercing
              thorns. The thorns will spread away from the caster in a cone
              shaped arc allowing you to pick off several enemies at once.

Call Lightning: This spell at higher levels is our most damaging. You get an amount of bolts from your overall level divided by 100 +1. So at level 1 you get 1 bolt. At level 100, you get 2 bolts...2 or more bolts do more damage than 8 cremates from a produce fire. Best hit is Ozone jets out of blablabla. More damage comes at a price: less exp than produce fire =(. 1000 damage per bolt. More with 21 wisdom.
Spell Name  : Call Lightning
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 300
Spell Type  : attack (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast call lightning [target]
Level       : 75

Description : This spell calls upon Gaia's control of the elements to bring
              down lightning upon your foes. This spell gains power as you rise
              in level, proving yourself faithful to Gaia's wishes.

Claws of the Beast: This spell is for Rangers who go with unarmed skill as opposed to sharp or blunt. It uses 3 claws, Tiger Claws at level 25 (south of Lirath on a Sabertooth Tiger), Blue Dragon Claws (Astillar on Raven's), and Glaabrezu in the Abyss. The claws created by this spell gives a 4 hit hunt, which isn't that great.
Spell Name  : Claws of the Beast
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 300
Spell Type  : miscellaneous (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast claws of the beast [target]
Level       : 50

Description : This spell draws upon the powers of nature to  transform the
              rangers hands into beast like claws.  The spell requires some
              mark of the beast to provide a model for the transformation.  The
              claws don't save, and you can't unwield them, however they don't
              wear off either.  And in line with the unofficial policy of
              making rangers find their way round the realms.
              You'll have to work out what the components are.

Entangle: This spell is classified as miscellaneus now. What Entangle does is holds a target for a short duration, and lets your opponent hit a little less. The damage the other person does to you is random, where before, it would block most special attacks. Entangle does NOT start combat. It can now be invoked at the same time as any other offensive spells. Use it on harder monsters.
Spell Name  : Entangle
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 100
Spell Type  : miscellaneous (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast entangle [target]
Level       : 75

Description : Cause vines to grow rapidly, entangling the victim for a while,
              which prevents the victim from leaving.

Defensive Spells:

Barkskin: Our first defensive spell. It helps us get unharmed by attacks. It is pretty good at lower levels, and every Ranger always has it on. It doesn't hurt to have the extra help...
Spell Name  : Barkskin
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 150
Spell Type  : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast barkskin [target]
Level       : 10

Description : This is the first defensive command that the ranger will get.
              It's a very minor armour command that will augment itself over
              time.  Because this command effectively turns the targets skin
              into bark, their resistance to fire will drop tremendously.

Chitin: This is our stronger version of Barkskin. It also helps us get unharmed by attacks. It can be cast with Barkskin, and these two make up our defensive armour spells.
Spell Name  : Chitin
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 60
Spell Type  : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast chitin [target]
Level       : 55

Description : This spell forms a thick layer of chitinous armour about the
              caster, protecting from damage. Casting this spell multiple
              times, before it wears off is worse than useless.

Brambles: Due to recent changes, Brambles now sucks. It used to be a strong spell in which it had a stronger effect than Entangle, and also did damage every round. It is no longer even as good as Entangle, and does minimal damage. Stick with Entangle for harder monsters, Brambles is useless.
Spell Name  : Brambles
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 150
Spell Type  : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast brambles [target]
Level       : 125

Description : This causes a mass of thorny vines to spring up which prevents
              the victim from leaving. The tough brambles will rip open many
              woulds if the victim struggles or attempts to move.
              The spell's power is stackable though the duration of the spell
              will be that of the original casting.

Resist: Lets us resist Fire, Electricity, and Pierce damage. It is stackable, but is rarely used at lower levels. Could be quite useful later on.
Spell Name  : Resist
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : [variable]
Spell Type  : defensive (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast resist [target]
Level       : 100

Description : This spell allows you to call upon the powers of gods, nature, or
              magic to bestowe the ability to resist magical and non-magical
              effects upon the recipient of this spell.
              Your guild can resist: electricity, fire,


Call Woodland Creature: This spell is pretty bad. It summons a little pathetic animal to protect you. The animal is classified as a monster, so you might attack it if you put kill monsters. I have however found a great use for this spell. What you do is you cast it on a fairly strong monster, then butcher up the creature's dead corpses into steaks to make jerky/kipper/pemmican with!! Its a bit evil, but I think they serve me better as meat than protectors anyway.
Spell Name  : Call Woodland Creature
Skill Used  : faith.spells.misc
GP Cost     : 40
Spell Type  : summoning (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast call woodland creature [target]
Level       : 5

Description : This spell calls upon your true faith to summon a woodland
              creature to assist and protect you in your adventures.

Call Forest Companion: This spell calls a much better and much more powerful creature to you. The creature is random; either Puma, Unicorn, Griffon, or Large Bear. These pets arent classified as monsters, but rather as animals. They are good living shields =). They say we need a shield spell...I think these guys are excellent shields. They go away after a while. Commands to use them are:
Spell Name  : Call Forest Companion
Skill Used  : faith.spells.misc.self
GP Cost     : 450
Spell Type  : miscellaneous 
Spell Usage : cast call forest companion
Level       : 90

Description : This invocation calls a denizen of the forest to accompany you
              for a short time. The creature will follow simple commands if you
              prefix them with its name.

(Animal type) follow (anyname)
(Animal type) protect (anyname)
(Animal type) anything else you can think of. It just can't talk.

It helps if you cast chitin and barkskin on them to make em live longer. Heal em up too when they are low on life. (I don't heal my unicorns and griffons because I don't like em)

Dexterity: This spell is one of our best. It is stackable and boosts our Dexterity up to 25. An Opal Ring is NOT needed now.
Spell Name  : Dexterity
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 250
Spell Type  : miscellaneous (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast dexterity [target]
Level       : 50

Description : This spell increases the dexterity of the target by a variable
              amount that is dependant on the skill of the ranger. The spells
              duration is dependant on the amount of dexterity that is
              affected.  This spell is castable on both Rangers and Druids.

Detect Alignment: Lets you know the alignment of whatever you cast it on. Can be helpful when trying to maintain a good alignment (or bad..).
Spell Name  : Detect Alignment
Skill Used  : faith.spells.misc
Gp Cost     : 20
Spell Usage : cast detect alignment [target]
Level       : 15

Description : This spell allows the caster to call upon their deity to reveal  
              the alignment of a player or npc.

Detect Magic: Allows you to see if an item is magical or not and lets us see what type of enchat is on an item.
Spell Name  : Detect Magic
Skill Used  : magic.spells
GP Cost     : 50
Spell Type  : miscellaneous (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast detect magic [target]
Level       : 1

Description : This invocation detects an item for the presence of magic with in
              it. If the spell detects magical power within the item, it will
              cause the item to glow.  The color of the glow determines the
              power of the magic within it.  The colored hues are:
              In order of most powerful, to weakest.

Starshine: A light spell. Pretty much useless if you're an Elf or Dwarf. It lets humans see in the dark, but also blinds them in the day due to the excess amount of light shed =(. Can also be used to negate the effects of a darkness spell (Credit goes to Aldturmis)
Spell Name  : Starshine
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 5
Spell Type  : miscellaneous (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast starshine [target]
Level       : 20

Description : This spell causes the area or person to be illuminated by the
              faint light of stars.


Nature's Armour: Some Rangers think that this spell sucks. They are the ones who don't like to search for Scales, the components. What this does is give you a piece of armour which judges exceptional vs. blunt/sharp/pierce and some add cold, electricity, or acid protection also. All the Armour's weigh 5, and it is one of the best spells we have. Most guilds would beg for such a spell, we should be glad we have it. For those Rangers who think it sucks, then they in turn haven't learned the ways of a true Ranger.
Spell Name  : Nature's Armour
Skill Used  : faith.spells.special
GP Cost     : 300
Spell Type  : special (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast nature's armour [target]
Level       : 75

Description : This spell draws upon the powers of nature to  transform certain
              items into pieces of armour that can be used by the ranger for
              defense.  Each component can be transformed into a particular
              piece of armour provided the ranger is of the correct level to
              cast the spell.  Once the spell is learned the overall level of
              the player is used to determine the armours that can be obtained.
              Detailed Usage : cast nature's armour me using {component}
              Min Level        Component           Armour
                66           snake scale            boot  
                100        alligator scale         glove  
                133     small red dragon scale      robe  
                166      silver dragon scale       pants  
                200      yellow dragon scale       greave 
                233          hydra scale           helmet 
                266       water dragon scale       shield 
                300      rainbow dragon scale      armour


Cure Light Wounds: This is the first of 3 cure spells that you will learn and will help you heal yourself while xping.
Spell Name  : Cure Light Wounds
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 35
Spell Type  : curative (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast cure light wounds [target]
Level       : 20

Description : This spell draws energy from nature and channels it into the
              first creature touched by the caster to heal it.

Cure Serious Wounds: This is just an upgrade from Cure Light Wounds. It restores more Hit Points, but also costs more Guild Points to invoke.
Spell Name  : Cure Serious Wounds
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 60
Spell Type  : curative (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast cure serious wounds [target]
Level       : 51

Description : This spell draws energy from nature and channels it into the
              first creature touched by the caster to heal it.

Cure Critical Wounds: Out of all the Cure spells, this spell will restore the most Hit Points, but like Cure Serious Wounds, it costs more Guild Points as well.
Spell Name  : Cure Critical Wounds
Skill Used  :
GP Cost     : 100
Spell Type  : curative (targetted)
Spell Usage : cast cure critical wounds [target]
Level       : 90

Description : This spell draws energy from nature and channels it into the
              first creature touched by the caster to heal it.