
My plan almost exactly follows those I've seen on Kali's and Aevlom's pages. If you aleady saw them, here's nothing new. All the same stated in different words. Any new and important information will be added.


Rearrange for intelligence 20+ if possible, 19 is considerable only if other stats are pretty high. Higher constitution results in more hitpoints. Higher strength allows to carry more. Dexterity and wisdom are of no importance.

Steps of advancing

1 Newbie
f 1->5 xp=19250
g 1->5 xp=40250
o 1->5 xp=15750(?)
======SKILLS=======Cur/Max==For Next===========================================
fighting..........   5/ 20  11000 xp   mental............   0/  0  mastered
magic.............   0/  5   8625 xp   occult............   5/300  19800 xp
faith.............   0/  5   9775 xp   general...........   5/ 20  20700 xp
covert............   0/ 15   2250 xp
======================> You have 1065730 points to spend <=====================

2. Right after joining Occ guild
fi.po 5 -> max (to get max hp)
fi ? -> 20 (alternative - for max parry, 35 instead of ?)

results for max parry
fighting.......... 31/ 20
| combat.......... 27/ 20
| | melee......... 25/ 20
| | | sharp....... 25/ 20
| | | blunt....... 25/ 20
| | | unarmed..... 25/ 20
| | parry......... 35/ 20
| | range......... 25/ 20
| | | thrown...... 25/ 20
| | | bow......... 25/ 20
| | | projectile.. 25/ 20
| | dodging....... 25/ 20
| | | range....... 25/ 20
| | | melee....... 25/ 20
| | special....... 25/ 20
| points.......... 34/ 34

oc.sp 5 -> 10 xp=82500 (unfold spell specialisations)
oc.me 5 -> 10 xp=49500 (unfold methods subtree)
oc.po 5 -> 15 (at least to 10)
oc.sp.en 10 -> 11 xp=4400 (optional, to gain foul touch)
oc.me.ch 10 -> 20 xp=60500 (to begin with)

3 Occ guild when when made up a decision on specialisation
oc.sp.1a 10 ->300 xp= 16'640'800 pc=332
oc.sp.1b 10 ->300 (same)
oc.me.ch 20 ->180 xp= 5'954'300 pc= 119

4 to get better spells overmax lose 10 levels in oc and get spells back to max
die/raise losing 10 levels
oc.sp.1a 290 ->300
oc.sp.1b 290 ->300
oc.me.ch 170 ->180
points will drop to 5 from 15, but it should be enough as spells strength has grown
occult............  63/300
| methods.........  61/300
| | brewing.......   0/300
| | dancing.......   0/300
| | chanting...... 180/300
| spells.......... 120/300
| | cursing.......   0/300
| | summoning..... 299/300
| | enchanting.... 300/300
| | charming......   0/300
| | healing.......   0/300
| points..........   5/300
note that I went whe way of Summoning/Enchanting which may be considered somewhat pointless. Most common is Cursing/Summoning.

5 overmaxing spells
oc.sp 120->300 xp=69'795'000 pc=1395

occult............ 123/300
| methods.........  61/300
| | brewing.......   0/300
| | dancing.......   0/300
| | chanting...... 180/300
| spells.......... 300/300
| | cursing....... 180/300
| | summoning..... 479/300
| | enchanting.... 480/300
| | charming...... 180/300
| | healing....... 180/300
| points..........   5/300

5 overmaxing oc
oc 123->300 xp=124'413'300 pc=2488
this is the last step when losing some levels won't damage overmax
so at its end is the best time to explore having no fear of death
occult............ 300/300
| methods......... 238/300
| | brewing....... 177/300
| | dancing....... 177/300
| | chanting...... 357/300
| spells.......... 477/300
| | cursing....... 357/300
| | summoning..... 656/300
| | enchanting.... 657/300
| | charming...... 357/300
| | healing....... 357/300
| points.......... 182/300

6 do the rest to methods
oc.me 238->300

7 do the rest to the rest
oc.me.br 239->300
oc.me.da 239->300
oc.po 182->300