PK Advancement.
What this means is your potions will suck. No doubt about it.
No one will want them from you, and you WILL not get be able
to make any until your just about maxxed.
Adv F, M, G to 5 in the newbie Guild.
Join the Alchemist Guild.
Adv f.c. to 10
Adv f.c.r to 15
Adv f.c.r.t to max
Adv f.c.r to max
Adv f.c to max
Adv f to max
Adv f.p to max
Adv rest of Fighting.
Adv m.s to 10
Adv m.s.o to 15
Adv m.p to 10 to 20 -> You decide
Adv m.s.o.t to max
Adv m.s.o to max
Adv m.s.s to max
Adv m.s to max
Adv m to max
Adv m.i.p to max
Adv m.s.d.s to max
Adv m.s.d to max
Adv m.i to max
Adv m.p to max
Adv rest of Magic.
This will give you a PHAT Offensive Target, and a great Shard.
Your XP melee weapon will be your shard.
Defnesive Layer Stack:
1) drink vapor form potion
2) cast water shield
3) drink resist potions
4) cast ice armour
5) cast improved amrour
Get as many def spells cast on you as possible.
PK alias is: (throw a Kill $*$ in there for those Pirates/STs)
cast freeze $*$;get shard from bag;toss shard at $*$;cast tsunami $*$;get potion from satchel;toss potion at $*$
cast freeze $*$;get shard from bag;toss shard at $*$;cast tsunami $*$
Before PK, make about 40 shards, stuff them into a bag, make baneful potions - Your choiceI would choose CONs, since low con = low HPs, but some pick STR, DRUNK, COLDA mephit or elemental is not bad also, but for heavens sake, don't put it in your PK alias - it gets spammy, and uses up GPs, have a trigger for it.