Cities (Non-Racial)

These cities are non-racial, which means anyone may xp or travel here. If you are PK'ed in any of these cities and it was not envoked, it will be considered RPK by NPD. Listed next to each city will be either a (+) meaning good aligned or a (-) meaning evil aligned. If it is a mixture of both then (+/-) will be placed next to the city.

Eternia (Elf's and Nobles) (+)
Great Oak to Eternia
n, sw, w, swim sea, e (you are at the gates of eternia), see map page in order to get a lay out of the city.

Rellikea (Trolls / Xans) (+/-)
From Newbie Bulletin Board in Eluten
3d, sw, s, se, s, sw, s, se, s, nw, ne, nw, w, 2nw, w, n, w, n, nw, n, 7w, n, 6w, n, 8w, s (North Gate Rellikea)

Pesvint (Military) (+/-)
From Cliff face
u, 3e, se, 8e, 3se, 5s (North Gate)