
Name: Pair of Dwarven Boots
Location: Dwarf City? Shop?
Save lvl: 0?
AC: S110, B100, P100
Money: 2 PC
Weight: 30
Enchant: No, Dwarf Only

Name: Black Leather Boots
Location: Somewhere in the Valeris Domain...
Save lvl: 5
AC: None
Money: 15 PC
Weight: 8

Name: Brown Leather Boots
Location: Somewhere in the Valeris Domain...
Save lvl: 5
AC: None
Money: 12 PC
Weight: 5

Name: Chain Sollerets
Location: Xerxes
Save lvl: 100
AC: A20/30, B20/40, P20/40, F10/10, C15/25, P5/10, A10/15, E40/40
Money: 5 SC
Weight: 90
Enchanted: Orc/Drow can't wear it.